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Preview generated videos in PRs

Stoat can help you preview videos generated as part of your build in a comment on your pull request. In the future you will be able to compare versions of a video with previous versions or the version in your main branch.


If you convert your video to a GIF smaller than 10mb, you can use our image preview tutorial to learn how to embed the video directly in the Stoat comment as an image.

Adding videos to the Stoat comment

  1. Set up Stoat with our getting started guide.

  2. Make sure the Stoat Action appears after the GitHub workflow step that generates your video.

    # existing step in your repo that generates an video
    - name: Build
    run: ./

    - name: Run Stoat Action
    uses: stoat-dev/stoat-action@v0
    if: always()
  3. Point Stoat at the generated video's path by adding a new task that uses the static_hosting plugin:

    version: 1
    enabled: true
    path: path/to/video.mp4

    If you create a pull request, you should now have a link to the generated video in the Stoat comment after the build completes.

Example Repo

See a real build that generates a video of a browser test with Cypress and links to the video in a Stoat comment in this pull request.