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Local Previews


Local mode doesn't send any of your code or build artifacts off of your computer! This is safe to run for private repos before we add support for authenticating our static hosting endpoints.

What is a local preview?

Running the local preview will start a local server and open your default browser. This server will run on localhost and host any build outputs that were both specified in your Stoat config file at .stoat/config.yaml and detected within your Git repository. That meanas that you will need to run your build and generate outputs for the links to appear in your local preview.

Example locally rendered comment:

screenshot local preview

Launch preview

To create a local preview, you must set up Stoat for your Git repository and then run:

stoat local


Since the local mode doesn't upload any build artifacts or pull any build data from the server, only functionality that requires static hosting will be available. Metric tracking and any other functionality will not be available.

Reference for stoat local

❯ stoat local -h
Usage: stoat local [options]

preview the Stoat comment for the repository locally

-p, --port <port> port for the local server (default is any available port starting with 8075)
-h, --help display help for command